The origins of acupuncture can be traced back over 2,000 years, making it one of the oldest health care systems in the world. Today, acupuncture supports the treatment of a wide number of conditions.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile, single use, disposable needles into specific sites (acupuncture points) along the body’s energy pathways (meridians) to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of energy, or Qi, through the body. It is theorised that these energy blockages lead to symptoms such as pain and illness.
Your practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points using other methods, including acupressure, moxibustion, cupping, laser therapy, electro-stimulation and massage, in order to rebalance the flow of qi.
What to expect in an Acupuncture treatment – a 45-60 minute session will involve a consultation and a health history, followed by your acupuncture treatment. Generally, needles are retained for about 20 mins, but this can change depending on your needs and presentation. A heat lamp may be utilised if indicated. Upon removing needles, a heating balm or liniment may be used if applicable and always with your permission.
Sports Acupuncture (often referred to as Orthopaedic Acupuncture) is a combination of Chinese and Western treatment protocols, specifically for the treatment of musculoskeletal complaints.
It involves traditional Chinese Acupuncture and Western needling techniques such as trigger point needling, dry needling and myofascial release.
Cupping is a practice used in traditional medicine in several parts of the world, including China and the Middle East. It involves creating suction on the skin using a glass, ceramic, silicone or plastic cup. Negative pressure is created in the cup either by applying a flame to the cup to remove oxygen (fire cupping) before placing it on the skin or by attaching a suction device to the cup after it is placed on the skin.
At Brisbane Sports Acupuncture, we use the fire cupping method or silicone suction cups, depending on your presentation and preference.
Cupping can be performed as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with Acupuncture and/or massage.
What to expect in your treatment – a 30-minute cupping treatment will include a consultation, application of massage oil and cups. Cups may be stationary or sometimes can be moved around an area (slide cupping) if required. Rach will discuss the options with you in the consultation. With your permission, a heating balm or liniment may be used at the conclusion of your treatment.
Please note, if you have Private Health Insurance, a rebate may only be claimed for Acupuncture, due to legislative reasons.
Chinese Massage (Tuina)
A form of Chinese Medicine that utilises the same principles as Acupuncture. Think of this as Acupuncture with thumbs and elbows instead of needles!
For those struggling with musculoskeletal pain, this is usually a stronger, deep tissue type of massage and incorporates acupressure, releasing trigger points and stretching routines. Having said that, at Brisbane Sports Acupuncture we will always work within your tolerance levels. Rach will regularly check in to make sure the pressure level is acceptable to you.
In some cases, you may require a more gentle, energetic style of treatment. That’s OK! Rach will discuss your needs during the consultation and can easily tailor the massage style and technique to suit you.
Head to our Services page for more information on treatment combinations, timing & pricing. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Meet our experienced acupuncture practitioner Rachel Wise.
Firstly, feel free to call me Rach - everybody does (except my Mother).My clinical focus is Sports Acupuncture. I am interested in all things musculoskeletal as, prior to Acupuncture, I spent 13 years working as a Strength and Conditioning coach. In 2009, I was introduced to Crossfit and my focus then became coaching CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting.
I discovered Acupuncture when a knee injury threatened to side-line my coaching career. In 2013, I commenced studying a Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture) and so a love of using Acupuncture for sports related complaints was born. I was introduced to Sports Acupuncture in 2017 and the rest is history.
As a coach, I made teaching good technique a priority and my favourite quote is “there is magic in great movement”. Good technique minimises the risk of injury, however it doesn’t remove it and we have all experienced those little “twinges” and “pulls” after a big session in the gym.
Whatever your sport or training style, whatever your level; if muscles are involved, I’m your Acupuncturist!
My career is now based on helping athletes of all levels continue their chosen training/sport regime by helping with pain/injury management, recovery, performance, and stress reduction. To do this, I tend to combine Acupuncture, Electro-Acupuncture, Chinese Massage and Cupping into treatment sessions and because I believe that Western and Chinese Medicine work so well together, I am regularly updating my skills and knowledge in both areas.
Although I’m now retired from the fitness industry, I’m still a regular at the gym as I have two young children at home to chase after.
When you book in for a session with me, you have a dedicated time slot for your treatment. There is no overlapping of clients. Treatments are dedicated 30, 60 or 90 minutes depending on your needs. If you are not sure of what you need, please get in contact.
Bachelor of Health Science (Acupuncture)
Endeavour College of Natural Health.
Member of the Australian NAssociation (ANTA)
Chinese Medicine Board of Australia (CMBA) & Australian Health Practitioner Regulation
Agency (AHPRA) Registered.